As part of the Switchmed project on measures to support the development of green and circular SMEs in the Mediterranean, the country reports on Israel, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Turkey, written by Avi Blau and Camille Janssen are now published. For more information on the project and links to the reports please click here
Under the framework of the EU funded SwitchMed programme, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) launchesthe MED TEST III project in Israel to support the plastic value chainin Israel.For this project, the Afeka Institute of Circular Engineering and Economy has been..
Circular Design Course
We just finished the first batch of the course "circular design for engineers" with exciting challenges brought by Unilever, HP-Indigo, and the central governmental procurement agency. Stay tuned for our announcement on the next batch
Avi Blau regional expert for Switchmed program
Avi Blau, the director of AICEE has been selected as the European "Switchmed program" regional expert for Israel, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia &Herzgovina, and Montenegro. Blau will analyse regional policies for circular economy and will suggest recommendations to encourage circular business environments for SMEs